General content

in this area we analyse cognitive styles and learning styles. The knowledge provided in this unit helps teachers to recognize the different styles and facilitate the differentiation of the didactic activities to balance their teaching styles and implement more inclusive methods. Learning is here considered as an active process of building knowledge, skills, attitudes in a context of continuous interaction. Principal cognitive processes are also analyzed to enrich teaching tools: attention, as a transversal function; perception, for access to information; memory, to store information and allow repetition. In this area the teachers also learn about the electronic tools and how to use them.


Through the knowledge provided in this unit the teacher will:

  • - be more aware of the style they use while teaching and therefore step outside their usual processes;
  • - have a scientific base to interact with differences and reduce judgement;
  • - recognize the potential teaching opportunities in each of the students’ specific resources and characteristics;
  • - use the electronic tools provided to identify the students learning styles and design appropriate didactic approaches;
  • - improve their relationship with the students and the class thus improving the overall learning experience.